The Hampshire County Arts Council Photography Group is now meeting at Romney Public Library in the AV room on the 2nd floor  the first Monday of every month between 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. starting January 2023.  If the Monday is a holiday, the meeting will be moved to the following Monday.  All levels of knowledge and experience in photography are welcome to join.
Each meeting a theme is selected for the member to photograph and then to bring in 3 matted prints to share and critique.  Here are the meeting dates and themes for January-June 2023:
January 9, 2023                                                            FOOD
February 6, 2023                                                           WRINKLES
March 6, 2023                                                               COLOR PURPLE
April 3, 2023                                                                  STRANGERS
May 1, 2023                                                                  RAIN
June 5, 2023                                                                 UMBRELLAS